News and press releases



Closed primary market: XACT Norden

The market for issuing and redeeming fund units (primary market) in XACT Norden will be closed on December 18 due to index rebalancing.

Please observe that the secondary market is open.


Closed primary market: XACT OBX and XACT OMXC25

The market for issuing and redeeming fund units (primary market) in XACT OBX and XACT OMXC25 will be closed on December 20 due to index rebalancing.

Please observe that the secondary market is open.


Closed primary market: XACT Svenska Småbolag and XACT Sverige

The market for issuing and redeeming fund units (primary market) in XACT Svenska Småbolag and XACT Sverige will be closed on November 29 due to index rebalancing.

Please observe that the secondary market is open.


New PCF Format

From the 11th of November the PCF format will be changed from .txt format to .csv. The date in the file name will be changed from NAV-date + 1 Business date to NAV-date, also the fund name format will be changed in accordance with below table.

From the 11th of November the old format will not be available. The final .txt files are distributed on the 8th of November. 

We will not be able to provide both the old and new format at the same time.

Today New format
xactbear20191007.txt XACT BEAR_20191004.csv
XACT2bear20191007.txt XACT BEAR 2_20191004.csv
xactbull20191007.txt XACT BULL_20191004.csv
XACT2bull20191007.txt XACT BULL 2_20191004.csv
xacthdiv20191007.txt XACT HDIV_20191004.csv
xactnordic20191007.txt XACT NORDIC_20191004.csv
xactobligation20191007.txt XACT OBLIGATION_20191004.csv
xactobx20191007.txt XACT OBX_20191004.csv
xactderivatbear(obx)20191007.txt XACT OBX BEAR_20191004.csv
xactderivatbull(obx)20191007.txt XACT OBX BULL_20191004.csv
xactomxs3020191007.txt XACT OMX_20191004.csv
xactomxc2520191007.txt XACT OMXC25_20191004.csv
xactsverige20191007.txt XACT SVERIGE_20191004.csv
xactsvsmabolag20191007.txt XACT SVSMABOLAG_20191004.csv

New information will be added in the new format.

  • Cash actual per block = today´s cash per block excluding next day´s corporate actions
  • Cash actual per share = today´s cash per share excluding next day´s corporate actions

The new information are used to calculate settlement amount for creation/redemptions with T+2 settlement cycle.

  • Cash per block = today´s cash per block including next day´s corporate actions 
  • Cash per block = today´s cash per share including next day´s corporate actions  

The new information are used to calculate the fund value beginning of the day after NAV date. (including dividends)

  • Cash actual ex.div. per block = today´s cash per block excluding today´s and tomorrow’s corporate actions 
  • Cash actual ex.div. per share = today´s cash per share excluding today´s and tomorrow’s corporate actions

The new information are used to calculate settlement amount for creation/redemptions with T+0 or T+1 settlement cycles.

  • FX rate = base currency to local currency 
  • IsFuture = stated TRUE if the security is a future 
  • IsTradable = stated FALSE if the security is a right. 
  • Country = the settlement country for that security. 

Index price will be removed from the file in the new format.


Closed primary market: XACT Norden

Closed primary market: XACT Norden

The market for issuing and redeeming fund units (primary market) in XACT Norden 30 will be closed on September 18 due to index rebalancing. Please observe that the secondary market is open.


Dividend in XACT Sverige

Dividend in XACT Sverige

The dividend amount in XACT Sverige will be 15.27 SEK per share. The amount corresponds to 3,50 percent of the NAV at close on May 31. 

The following schedule applies for dividend from XACT Sverige:

  • June 12, 2019 Last day to trade fund units including right to receive dividend
  • June 13, 2019 - The fund is traded excluding dividend
  • June 14, 2019 Record day
  • June 19, 2019 Payment day

Press releases


The management of Xact Kapitalförvaltning’s mutual funds will be transferred to Handelsbanken Fonder

Handelsbanken’s Swedish fund management operations are managed by two separate companies. Active funds are provided by Handelsbanken Fonder AB, while index-based and exchange-traded funds (ETFs) are provided by Xact Kapitalförvaltning AB. Both of the fund management companies are wholly-owned subsidiaries of Svenska Handelsbanken AB (PLC).

The Board of Directors of Xact Kapitalförvaltning has made the decision to transfer the management of the company’s mutual funds to Handelsbanken Fonder. The Board of Directors of Handelsbanken Fonder has made the decision to assume responsibility for the management of the aforementioned mutual funds. The transfer will be implemented as soon as approval has been obtained by the Financial Supervisory Authority, and by April 1, 2020 at the earliest.

The fund names will remain unchanged and the management of the funds will not be impacted by the change. The range of funds will also remain unchanged at the time of the transfer.

For additional information, please contact:

Pär Nürnberg, CEO Xact Kapitalförvaltning, 08 - 701 34 05

__Xact Kapitalförvaltning AB    Post address:                        Business address:

Registered office: Stockholm         106 70 STOCKHOLM        Blasieholmstorg 12  Telephone: +46 8-701 40 00

Organisation registration number: 556997-8140                      


XACT NORDEN 30 (UCITS ETF) will be switching to a sustainability-oriented index and will be changing its name on June 20, 2019.

XACT NORDEN 30 (UCITS ETF) will be switching to a sustainability-oriented index and will be changing its name on June 20, 2019.

Stockholm, June 19, 2019


Xact Kapitalförvaltning is amending the fund rules of XACT NORDEN 30 (UCITS ETF). The fund will continue to invest in the about 30 most- traded equities listed on the Nordic exchanges, but will be switching to an index that also contains specific sustainability requirements for those companies included in the index. As a result of the requirements, companies with high sustainability ratings will be included (inclusion) in the index, while companies involved in verified violations of international norms and companies operating within controversial sectors will not be included (exclusion). This does not involve any substantial change to the fund’s investment focus or risk level.

In connection with the index switch, the fund’s name will be changed to XACT NORDEN (UCITS ETF).

For detailed information, please refer to the information brochure and the fund’s new sustainability profile, which will be made available at and in conjunction with the change.

*Index prior to the change

*Index after the change
*Handelsbanken Nordic ESG Index

The fund rules have been approved by the Financial Supervisory Authority and the new fund rules, fact sheet and information brochure will be available as of June 20, 2019 at and

For additional information, please contact:

Pär Nürnberg, CEO, Xact Kapitalförvaltning AB, 08-701 34 05

A fund’s historical return is no guarantee of future returns. Investments made in the fund can rise or fall in value, and it is not certain that you will get back all the capital you have invested. The comprehensive information brochure, with fund rules, fact sheets and current share price performance is available for each fund. Xact does not assume any liability for any errors in the information.

Xact Kapitalförvaltning AB, Mail address: Blasieholmstorg 12, SE-106 70 Stockholm, Telephone: +46 8 701 40 00, Headquarters: Stockholm, Sweden, Organisation registration number: 556997-8140,


Closure of exchange-traded fund – XACT Råvaror (UCITS ETF)

Stockholm, 5 June 2019


The Board of Directors of Xact Kapitalförvaltning AB has taken the decision to close the exchange-traded fund XACT Råvaror (UCITS ETF). The last day to sell fund units on the stock exchange will be September 23, 2019.

A Sell order can be submitted in the normal manner through Internet bank, broker or bank branch. A standard commission fee will be charged for the sale of fund units. The proceeds from the sale are normally paid to the Income Account that is connected to the custody account, investment savings account (ISK) or VPC account.

Any units remaining in the fund after September 23, 2019 will be automatically redeemed in conjunction with the liquidation of the fund’s assets and the phase-out of XACT Råvaror (UCITS ETF). The cash proceeds will be deposited into the Income Account that is connected to the custody account, investment savings account (ISK) or VPC account on October 9, 2019.

More information is available at For questions regarding the closure, please contact

*For further information, please contact:
Pär Nürnberg, Chief Executive, Xact Kapitalförvaltning AB +46 (8) 701 34 05 *


*A fund’s historical return is no guarantee of future returns. Investments made in the fund can rise or fall in value, and it is not certain that you will get back all the capital you have invested. The comprehensive information brochure, with fund rules, fact sheets and current share price performance is available for each fund. Xact does not assume any liability for any errors in the information.


Annual reports 2018 – mutual funds managed by Xact Kapitalförvaltning AB

The annual reports for the full-year 2018 have been completed for the mutual funds listed below. The reports will be available today on the Management Company’s websites at: and

  • XACT Norden 30 (UCITS ETF)
  • XACT Nordic High Dividend Low Volatility (UCITS ETF)
  • XACT Obligation (UCITS ETF)
  • XACT Råvaror (UCITS ETF)
  • XACT Svenska Småbolag (UCITS ETF)
  • XACT Sverige (UCITS ETF)

For additional information, please contact:

Pär Nürnberg, CEO, Xact Kapitalförvaltning AB, 08-701 34 05

A fund’s historical return is no guarantee of future returns. Investments made in the fund can rise or fall in value, and it is not certain that you will get back all the capital you have invested. The comprehensive information brochure, with fund rules, fact sheets and current share price performance is available for each fund. Xact does not assume any liability for any errors in the information.

Xact Kapitalförvaltning AB, Mail address: Blasieholmstorg 12, SE-106 70 Stockholm, Telephone: +46 8 701 40 00, Headquarters: Stockholm, Sweden, Organisation registration number: 556997-8140,


Xact launches Denmark’s first ETF

We are pleased to announce the launching of XACT OMXC25 (UCITS ETF), the first ETF* listed on the Copenhagen stock exchange. XACT OMXC25 provides the opportunity for investors to easily and cost-effectively purchase and sell a basket of the 25 largest and most-traded Danish companies in real time. The low management fee also results in a cost-effective savings.

“I am extremely proud that Xact is the first to list an ETF on the Copenhagen stock exchange. Once again we are pioneers within the ETF segment in the Nordics,” says Pär Nürnberg, CEO of Xact Kapitalförvaltning.

ETFs have been called the financial industry’s greatest innovation of the 21st century and have quickly become very popular as investment and savings vehicles worldwide. Professional investors and small private savers alike understand the benefits of ensuring smooth market exposure at a low cost.

“XACT OMXC25 (UCITS ETF) has, through its transparency and as an index fund, a substantially lower management fee and lower transaction costs than traditional Danish investment associations. These are characteristics that make ETFs so popular, as both a long-term savings vehicle and a tool to make tactical adjustments in your portfolio within seconds,” says Pär Nürnberg.

XACT OMXC25 (UCITS ETF) is traded and priced in Danish crowns (DKK) in real time on the Copenhagen stock market. The fund tracks the performance of the OMXC25GI Index which reflects the returns of the 25 largest and most-traded equities in the Copenhagen stock market. The index currently includes world-renowned Danish companies such as Novo Nordisk, Vestas, Carlsberg and AP Möller, to name just a few.  ____

Xact – the first and largest in the Nordics

Xact Kapitalförvaltning AB is a Swedish fund management company that specialises in index management. Xact launched the first ETF back in the year 2000 and thereby became the first issuer of ETFs in the Nordics. Approximately MSEK 30,000 is currently managed in our 15 ETFs, which makes us the leading issuer of ETFs in the Nordics.

  • ETF, Exchange Traded FundFor further information, please contact:

Pär Nürnberg, CEO, Xact Kapitalförvaltning AB, +46 8 701 34 05

A fund’s historical return is no guarantee of future returns. Investments made in the fund can rise or fall in value, and it is not certain that you will get back all the capital you have invested. The comprehensive information brochure, as well as fund rules, fact sheets and current share price performance is available for each fund at does not assume any liability for any errors in the information.

Xact Kapitalförvaltning AB

Mail address: Stockholm SE-106 70

Street address: Blasieholmstorg 12

Telephone: +46 8 701 40 00

Headquarters: Stockholm, Sweden

Organisation registration number: 556997-8140
