News and press releases



Dividend amount in XACT OMXSB Utd.

The dividend amount in XACT OMXSB Utd. will be 13.31 SEK per share.

The amount corresponds to 3.5 percent of the NAV at close on june 7. 


Dividend in XACT OMXSB

The dividend in XACT OMXSB will be 3,5 % of the NAV at close June 7 2016.

The following schedule applies for dividend from XACT OMXSB Utd. June 1, 2016 Information of dividend on

June 8, 2016 Last day to trade fund units including right to receive dividend

June 9, 2016 - The fund is traded excluding dividend

June 10, 2016 Record day

June 15, 2016 Payment day


Dividend from XACT OMXSB Utd.

The following schedule applies for dividend from XACT OMXSB Utd.

June 1, 2016 Information of dividend amount on

June 8, 2016 Last day to trade fund units including right to receive dividend

June 9, 2016 - The fund is traded excluding dividend

June 10, 2016 Record day

June 15, 2016 Payment day


Xact lists the first Swedish small cap ETF

XACT Svenska Småbolag (UCITS ETF), the first exchange-traded fund that follows the Swedish small cap market will be listed today by XACT. This unique fund gives a liquid exposure to small caps and has a management fee of 0.30%, which is the lowest among Swedish small cap funds.

“There has been great interest in a liquid small cap fund from both institutional clients as well as from private investors. XACT Svenska Småbolag, which follows the broad Swedish small cap market, is the first of its kind to provide exposure to Swedish small caps in combination with the ease of ETF trading, liquidity and cost-effectiveness,” says Pär Nürnberg, CEO Xact Kapitalförvaltning AB.

In addition to XACT Svenska Småbolag, XACT Obligation (UCITS ETF), which follows the largest and most creditworthy bond loans in the Swedish market, as well as XACT Råvaror (UCTIS ETF), which is a global commodity fund with a Nordic focus, will also be listed today.

“Broadening the range of assets is key for building well-diversified portfolios based on ETFs. Thus, a natural part of Xact’s business strategy is to also offer fixed income and commodity ETFs. By offering XACT Svenska Småbolag we also expand our coverage of Swedish equity exposure with a new and sought after niche product, thereby covering large-, mid- and Swedish small caps,” concludes Pär Nürnberg.

“Trading on the Nordic ETF market increased by 29% in 2015, measured by the number of transactions, which indicates a high level of interest for these products among investors,” says Helena Wedin, Nordic Sales Director, ETP/ETF, Nasdaq. “We work continuously in our market to increase visibility for our listed companies. It is very exciting that Xact is now able to provide both institutional and private investors the opportunity to follow the performance of our smaller companies through Sweden’s first small cap ETF.”

Press releases


New Chief Executive of Xact Kapitalförvaltning AB

Pär Nürnberg has been appointed as the new Chief Executive of Xact Kapitalförvaltning AB.

At present, he is Deputy Chief Executive of the company and is currently the Acting Chief Executive. He will take up his new position on 1 February 2016.

Read the pressrelease here. 
